Saturday, July 19, 2008

From Henceforth you Shall be Known as Darth Bombay

From time to time I like to reflect on some of the paramount moments of my early childhood. It seems whenever I do this a certain movie is often pushed to the forefront of my memories. I am certain it is a film that has touched the lives of all those who have seen it. Of course I am referring to the Mighty Ducks. Even as you, the reader, examine these words you are thinking of the feelings you experienced the first time you witnessed the "flying v".

But what really made this motion picture so epic? I don't think anyone could argue it is because of the development of one of the truly great hero/villains in cinematic history. Gordon Bombay is a twisted wreck of a human being who finds peace in teaching children how to fly.

At first, he is someone who turns to career success and alcohol to compensate for the lack of love in his life. Even when Gordon is at his absolute lowest point it is easy to see that there is still good in him. The thing that makes him so powerful is his ability to overcome his demons and still teach some underprivileged children the meaning of teamwork and a sense of accomplishment.

The question of what made Gordon stray forever lingers in my mind. How could a child who was deemed the chosen one of Minnesota Pee-Wee hockey turn to the dark side of life? Disney provides snippets of background to this fabulous story, but so much more could be developed. A prequel to the Mighty Ducks is a necessary step to allow all of Gordon's fans the peace they deserve in knowing his illustrious tale.

I urge the kind people at Walt Disney to consider this potential masterpiece. The Mighty Ducks: Episode I, the Phantom Mallard could be a budding success. Mine is not a lone voice, for there is a group continuously garnering support for this brilliant idea. Please seek out this group, for it has the means of changing the world. If your desires are pure go to this link:

Let your voice be heard! Quack! Quack! Quack!

1 comment:

Joey said...

I, too, have joined this important movement. There is much going on in the world...wars, elections, financial ruin. But don't let these divert you from what's really important. I urge you to go to the website and choose to do something that WILL make a difference in this dark, bleak world!