Wednesday, June 4, 2008

To all of my fans

It is high time that I, Charles DeMarr, enter the illustrious world of blogging. Over the past few years I have met numerous people who have been impressed with some of my work reviewing music on itunes. They will come up to me on the street and say things like, "Hey Charles, we really appreciate what you do on itunes. You'd make a great blogger." Or maybe, "Charles, if you had a blog I don't think I would read anything else." Such high praise, and it is to these fans I dedicate this blog. It is truly an honor to be recognized by so many people everywhere I go. It is a stark contrast to my humble beginnings as a young blacksmith growing up in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. It is true I have my critics as well, like the one person who referred to me as "stupid" for my accusations of Disney remaking Bambi when they made the Lion King. Or the individual who said my criticism of Mario Lanza was sophomoric. I invite such naysayers to leave now. You know who you are. If you can't handle the world of Charles DeMarr this site is not for you.


#savemildred said...

Charles Demarr, you're my hero.

Johanna said...

So what was it really like sniffing snow???